Influence of Capacity Building in Enhancing Democratic Governance Process in Kenya


  • Kasyula Patrick Munyoki Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Capacity building, Democratic Governance, Kenya.


Capacity building is the framework adopted by government as organizational development and human resource tools for responding to the dynamic changes in the emerging trends of service delivery and governance. Capacity building enhances the abilities of individuals, organizations and systems to undertake and disseminate high quality research efficiently and effectively. In order to effectively support a country to achieve the democratic governance, understanding of the features and elements of organizational effectiveness is necessary. Enhanced understanding of the components of organizational effectiveness can support capacity building efforts to be effective and targeted. The objective of the study was to establish the influence of capacity building on enhancing democratic governance. The study adopted descriptive and correlation research design. All the forty-seven (47) counties in Kenya were targeted, with five officers per counties forming the sample frame. Regression models were used to examine the influence of the capacity building on democratic governance in Kenya. The study found that there was a positive relationship between capacity building and democratic governance. This study addresses the existing knowledge gap by determining the effect of capacity building on democratic governance process in Kenya. The study recommended on capacity building in governance as it sets the stage for efficiency and effectiveness, and becomes an essential precondition for building public trust, that is, transparency, integrity and professionalism in democratic governance.

Keywords: Capacity Building, Democratic Governance, Kenya.

Author Biography

Kasyula Patrick Munyoki, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Post graduate student, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


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How to Cite

Munyoki, K. P. (2017). Influence of Capacity Building in Enhancing Democratic Governance Process in Kenya. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 1(2), 42–57. Retrieved from


