Organizational Culture and Employee Performance in the Scripture Union of Kenya


  • Ng'ang'a Nicholas Kahumburu Moi University
  • Prof. Loice Maru Moi University
  • Prof. Michael Korir Moi University


Organizational Culture, Employee Performance & The Scripture Union of Kenya


The aim of this research study was to assess effects of the organizational culture on employee's performance in Scripture Union of Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the effect of power distance, individualism verses collectivism, uncertainty avoidance; masculinity versus femininity and long verse short term orientation on employee performance in scripture union of Kenya. The study adopted an explanatory and the research design that was employed was a survey, with the target population comprising of a stratified census sample of 130 members of staff of Scripture Union of Kenya. This design was selected due to its suitability in collecting detailed information from a small representative sample. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22 was used for data analysis. Data for the study was collected primarily through structured questionnaires. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, specifically Pearson's Product Moment Correlation and multiple regression analysis. The study also revealed a significant negative correlation between power distance and employee performance with a correlation coefficient of -0.618 (p-value=0.000<0.05).The study also established a significant negative relationship between individualism versus collectivism and employee performance with a correlation coefficient of -0.427(p-value=0.002<0.05), significant positive relationship between uncertainty avoidance and employee performance with correlation coefficient of 0.505(p-value=0.004<0.05), negative relationship between masculinity versus Femininity and employee performance with a correlation coefficient of -0.456(p-value=0.007<0.05), and negative relationship between long term orientation and employee performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.543(p-value=0.010<0.05). Regression analysis results that 53.6% of the variation in employee performance can be explained by the variables. The results also indicate that an increase in individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity and power distance by one unit would decrease employee performance by 0.714, 0.626 and 0.846 units respectively whereas an increase in uncertainty and long term verses short term orientation by one unit would increase employee performance by 0.563 and 0.511 units. Based on the study hypotheses it was concluded that employee performance is significantly affected by organizational culture dimensions namely power distance, individualism versus collectivism, masculinity verses femininity, uncertainty avoidance and long-term verses short term orientation. It is recommended that the Scripture union managers should empower employees, create a high uncertainty avoidance culture and organise team building initiative geared to improve employee performance.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Employee Performance & The Scripture Union of Kenya.

Author Biographies

Ng'ang'a Nicholas Kahumburu, Moi University

Postgraduate student, Moi University

Prof. Loice Maru, Moi University

Lecturer,Department of Management Science,Moi University

Prof. Michael Korir, Moi University

Lecturer,Department of Management Science,Moi University


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How to Cite

Kahumburu, N. N., Maru, P. L., & Korir, P. M. (2017). Organizational Culture and Employee Performance in the Scripture Union of Kenya. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 1(2), 58–81. Retrieved from


