The Role of Corporate Leadership on Firms Innovativeness in Birmingham Firms


  • James Shaw University of Birmingham
  • Adan Terry University of Birmingham


Innovation is needed for companies who want to stay a long time in business, where established companies most often have the economic resources required to conduct innovation work. The development of commercially viable new products requires technological and market possibilities are linked effectively in the product's design. Innovators in large firms have persistent problems with such linking, however. This research examines these problems by focusing on the shared interpretive schemes people use to make sense of product innovation. Birmingham firms has long been perceived as a gritty, hard-working city. However, for some reason, when it comes to business innovation and growth, the city does not always get the praise it deserves. The paper describes in some depth differences among the thought worlds which keep innovators from synthesizing their expertise in Birmingham. The paper also details how organizational routines exacerbate problems with knowledgeability, capability, innovation implementation and diffusion of innovation barriers. The main implication of the study is that to improve innovation in large firms it is necessary to deal explicitly with the interpretive barriers described here. Suggestions for practice and research are offered.

Keywords: Innovation, Corporate Leadership & Birmingham Firms.

Author Biographies

James Shaw, University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham, UK

Adan Terry, University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham, UK


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How to Cite

Shaw, J., & Terry, A. (2021). The Role of Corporate Leadership on Firms Innovativeness in Birmingham Firms. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 5(3), 1–23. Retrieved from


