Brand Development and Marketing Strategies in USA: A Case of Apple Inc.


  • Michael Addison University of Sydney
  • Victoria Adelaide University of Sydney



Apple Inc. is a world-renowned name of innovation and breakthrough in the consumer electronics and computer industry. Apple is known to be one of the greatest marketers of all time because they understand that marketing is one of the most crucial aspects of a business venture which greatly determines its success in the consumer’s realm. The use of narratives in marketing has become widely used over the past years as other forms of marketing became redundant and ineffective. Narratives evoke a feeling in the audience and are a more effective method than previous ads and marketing tools. Apple uses its narrative in all the advertisements that it does. It researches its consumers’ needs and past purchasing behavior and uses that information to develop strategies that influence the purchasing behavior of targeted consumers. Apple’s marketing is so effective, that it has become a benchmark for other companies who want to achieve the same global popularity, revenue growth and staying power. This paper presents Apple Inc. brand development and marketing strategies.

Keywords: Brand Development, Marketing Strategies & Apple Inc.


Author Biographies

Michael Addison, University of Sydney

University of Sydney

Victoria Adelaide, University of Sydney

University of Sydney


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How to Cite

Addison, M., & Adelaide, V. (2022). Brand Development and Marketing Strategies in USA: A Case of Apple Inc. Journal of Marketing and Communication, 5(1), 1–8.


