The Role of Supplier Relationship Management to the Supply Chain Performance of an Organization; A Case of Inyange Industries in Kicukiro District, Rwanda


  • Isabelle Mahoro University of Kigali, Rwanda
  • Dr. Jean de Dieu Dushimimana (PhD) University of Kigali, Rwanda



The research study was role of supplier relationship management to the supply chain performance of an organisation. A case of Inyange industries in Kicukiro district, Rwanda and the target population was 152 employees and the same sample size was 152  as respondents .Study employed  descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, and data was analysed with aid of SPSS software program version 25.0, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to present frequencies tables, percentages, mean and standard deviation and Inferential analysis was employed  in order to use Pearson correlation and multiple regression model to test the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. Descriptive statistics used to produce frequency tables, percentages and mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were used in order to provide person correlation and multiple regression model to test and draw relationship between variables both for independent band dependent, the effect of information sharing on supply chain performance at Inyange Industries in Kicukiro district, Rwanda. The overall means of results was4.48, the effect of quality dependability on supply chain performance at Inyange industries in Kicukiro district, Rwanda. The overall means of results was 4.48, the effect of service reliability on supply chain performance at Inyange Industries in Kicukiro district, Rwanda. The overall means of results was 4.48, the effect of supply chain strategy on supply chain performance at Inyange Industries in Kicukiro district, Rwanda. The overall means of results was 4.30 and the data on supply chain performance was analysed, the overall means of results was 4.63. Based on the results, it presented that the supply chain performance was on good grades. It indicated  that the relationship between  Supplier relationship management and supply chain performance at Inyange Industries in Kicukiro district, Rwanda between Information sharing , Quality dependability ,Service reliability and supply chain strategy and supply chain performance was 0.919, 0.855 ,0 .808 and 0.912 respectively, The results present the variables of  supplier relationship management; Information Sharing, was not statistically significant with p value=0.168b, the Quality Dependability was not statistically significant with p value=0.210b, and the Service Reliability was not statistically significant with p value=0.132b and Supply chain strategy was statistically significant with p value=0.000b. It concluded that there was a significant relationship between  supplier relationship management and supply chain. The study recommended that MINICOM should mobilize Rwandan citizens to be involved in supplier relationship management in far as the value chain is concerned in order to again money thus personal economic improvement.

Keywords: Supplier Relationship Management, Supply Chain Performance, Inyange Industries, Kicukiro District, Rwanda.

Author Biographies

Isabelle Mahoro, University of Kigali, Rwanda

Master of Procurement and Supply Chain Management, University of Kigali, Rwanda

Dr. Jean de Dieu Dushimimana (PhD), University of Kigali, Rwanda

University of Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Mahoro, I., & Dushimiman, J. de D. (2024). The Role of Supplier Relationship Management to the Supply Chain Performance of an Organization; A Case of Inyange Industries in Kicukiro District, Rwanda. Journal of Procurement & Supply Chain, 8(1), 86–106.


