Influence of Domestic Tourism Marketing Strategies on Post Covid-19 Hospitality Sector Recovery in Isiolo County


  • Halake William Wario Maseno University, Kenya
  • Charles Aloo Maseno University, Kenya



The impact of promotional strategies and product diversification on post COVID-19 hospitality sector recovery in Isiolo County cannot be ignored, more so in a bid to reignite the sector recovery. Thus, the study examined the influence of domestic tourism marketing strategies on post covid-19 hospitality sector recovery in isiolo county. The study was guided by the dynamic capability theory and extended marketing mix theory. Descriptive survey was adopted and the study area was areas encompassing Isiolo County. The study targeted 370 employees from three game reserves in Isiolo County. Stratified random sampling was used to select 192 respondents forming the sample size. Primary data was gathered using questionnaires and underwent a pre-testing to ensure it was valid and reliable. The analysis of each objective was done through means and standard deviation and regression analysis and presented through tables and figures. The study established that 70.8% change in post COVID-19 hospitality sector recovery in Isiolo County is explained by variation in promotional strategies and product diversification. Similarly, promotion strategies (p<0.05) and product diversification (p<0.05) had significant effect on post COVID-19 hospitality sector recovery in Isiolo County. The study concluded that promotional strategies were significant predictors of post COVID-19 hospitality sector recovery in Isiolo County. Isiolo County had invested in promotional efforts aimed at enhancing recovery of hospitality sector and concludes that product diversification had significant effect on post COVID-19 hospitality sector recovery in Isiolo County. Product diversification strategies in Isiolo County helped to diversify broad range of services that were enjoyed by tourists. The study recommends that Isiolo County should intensify awareness campaigns and branding of the local tourism products to stimulate their uptake among tourists. Players in the hospitality sector in Isiolo County should leverage market research to enhance the level of awareness of the local tourism products. Players in the hospitality sector in Isiolo County should constantly develop new tourism attractions and diversify more on the portfolio available to tourists. Local culture of people living in Isiolo County should be blend with their tourism attractions as a way of supporting diversification.

Keywords: Promotion strategies, product diversification, domestic tourism marketing strategies, post- COVID-19 hospitality recovery.

Author Biographies

Halake William Wario , Maseno University, Kenya

Master of Science in Hospitality Management student, Department of Ecotourism, Hotel and Institutional Management, School of Business and Economics, Maseno University, Kenya

Charles Aloo, Maseno University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Ecotourism, Hotel and Institutional Management, School of Business and Economics, Maseno University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Wario , H. W., & Aloo, C. (2024). Influence of Domestic Tourism Marketing Strategies on Post Covid-19 Hospitality Sector Recovery in Isiolo County. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 7(1), 106–118.


