The Potential of Cloud-based Virtual Technologies to Enhance Project Management: A Delphi Study of the West Coast Governments


  • Dr. Harvey Zack



Government institutions pay particular attention to project performance using advanced technologies. Cloud-based virtual technologies play vital roles in project environments with numerous scholars examining the imperatives of project performance. However, a particular focus on information technology experts’ consensus on the potential of cloud-based virtual technologies to enhance project management in government agencies is still lacking. This study explored the consensus of information technology experts on the potential of cloud-based technologies to enhance project management in West Coast governments. The study adopted a Delphi method design, which involved collecting and analyzing data from a panel of information technology experts on the West Coast holding managerial positions. Twenty experts were sourced from the LinkedIn platform and an informed consent form was sent to them to sign electronically and return to the researcher via the provided email address. The phone numbers sent together with the consent form were used to schedule the virtual interviews. The interviews were conducted in three cycles/rounds and the findings were analyzed using the thematic analysis technique and Kendall coefficient of concordant. The findings established a consensus of information technology experts on the potential of cloud-based virtual technologies to enhance project management in West Coast governments. Based on the study findings, it was recommended that the West Coast government agencies adopt cloud-based virtual technologies to enhance project management because it helps to minimize costs and increase adaptable scalability.

Keywords: Project Management, Information Technology, Cloud-Based Virtual Technologies, West Coast, Government Agencies.


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How to Cite

Harvey , Z. (2024). The Potential of Cloud-based Virtual Technologies to Enhance Project Management: A Delphi Study of the West Coast Governments. Journal of Information and Technology, 8(1), 81–97.


