Best Practices of Using Cloud-based Virtual Technologies to Improve Management in West Coast Governments


  • Dr. Harvey Zack



Improving project management in the government sector is a priority. Government agencies on the West Coast are actively adopting various technologies that can enable them to achieve project management goals. Despite the key role of cloud-based virtual technologies in providing a basis for improving project management, there is a persistent lack of consensus among information technology experts on the best practices for using cloud-based virtual technologies to improve project management. This study explored the consensus of information technology experts on the West Coast on best practices of using cloud-based virtual technologies to improve project management in West Coast governments. A Delphi technique was used, allowing for the collection of qualitative data from a purposive sample of a panel of 20 IT experts working on the West Coast. Data was collected in three cycles, consistent with the requirements of the Delphi technique. Data collected was transcribed and coded, followed by generating two themes. The two themes were developing user skills for project management personnel and effective compliance with data security standards, indicating the two best practices for using cloud-based virtual technologies to improve project management in West Coast government agencies. Based on the study findings, it was recommended that government agencies provide training opportunities for project staff to increase their knowledge of cloud-based virtual technologies for project management and emphasize compliance with data security standards.

Keywords: Cloud-based virtual technologies, project management, data security, West Coast government agencies.


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How to Cite

Harvey, Z. (2024). Best Practices of Using Cloud-based Virtual Technologies to Improve Management in West Coast Governments. Journal of Information and Technology, 8(1), 98–120.


