Education Policy and Planning Initiatives in Kenya: A Review of Literature


  • Boniface J. Wangare Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Jacinta M. Adhiambo Catholic University of Eastern Africa



The history of formal education in Kenya reveals a range of educational policies each of which has had a bearing on, or been impacted by educational planning initiatives and outcomes. These policies depict the evolving national aspirations of the nation. A brief walk through the history of formal education in the country; right from early missionary education, through to colonial and post-colonial education, and right into education in the 21st century; provides a rich insight.

Keywords: Education, policy, planning, reform initiatives

Author Biographies

Boniface J. Wangare , Catholic University of Eastern Africa

PhD Student; Faculty of Educ. Dept. of Educational Administration & Planning

Jacinta M. Adhiambo, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Prof. Faculty of Educ. Dept. of Educational Administration & Planning


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How to Cite

Wangare, B. J. . ., & Adhiambo, J. M. . (2022). Education Policy and Planning Initiatives in Kenya: A Review of Literature. Journal of Education, 5(3), 41–53.


