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The Influence of Teacher-Student Relationships on Student Motivation and Achievement: Perspective from Japan


  • Haruki K. Yoshimoto University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Dezai Y. Murakami University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Yukio Osamu University of Tokyo, Japan



This study conducted a comprehensive literature-based exploration into the critical role of teacher-student relationships in student motivation and achievement within the Japanese educational context. The foundation of this research pivots around the understanding that these relationships may significantly affect the educational outcomes for students. Drawing upon multiple scholarly sources and empirical studies, the research investigates how the unique cultural and educational environment in Japan impacts these relationships. We found that the Japanese educational system, characterized by a strong teacher authority and a culture that values harmony, shapes unique teacher-student dynamics. The study further analyzed how these dynamics contribute to students' intrinsic motivation and academic performance. Findings suggest that positive teacher-student relationships in Japan, often marked by respect, emotional support, and constructive feedback, are likely to foster a nurturing and motivational learning environment. This supportive atmosphere subsequently promotes student engagement, facilitates cognitive development, and enhances academic achievement. Conversely, less optimal teacher-student relationships may lead to lower motivation levels, hindering students' potential to succeed academically. This study not only highlights the importance of cultivating positive teacher-student relationships in the Japanese context but also underscores the universal applicability of this principle in achieving optimal educational outcomes worldwide. This research contributes to the broader discourse on educational pedagogy, providing valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and researchers. However, it is noteworthy that further empirical investigations are necessary to deepen our understanding of this topic, considering the diverse social, cultural, and individual factors at play. As such, the study concludes with recommendations for future research directions, emphasizing the need for a holistic and inclusive approach to education.

Keywords: Teacher-Student Relationships, Student Motivation, Academic Achievement, Japanese Education System, Educational Outcomes

Author Biographies

Haruki K. Yoshimoto, University of Tokyo, Japan

The Graduate School of Education

Dezai Y. Murakami , University of Tokyo, Japan

The Graduate School of Education

Yukio Osamu, University of Tokyo, Japan

The Graduate School of Education


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How to Cite

Yoshimoto, H. K., Murakami , D. Y., & Osamu, Y. (2023). The Influence of Teacher-Student Relationships on Student Motivation and Achievement: Perspective from Japan. Journal of Education, 6(2), 1–12.


