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The Impact of Multilingual Education on Students' Cognitive Development: Evidence from the China


  • Yan. Z. Tan
  • Mo. Y. Xun



This research retrospectively explored the impact of multilingual education on students' cognitive development, with a focus on China's educational system. It illustrated how immersion in multiple languages enhanced cognitive abilities, supported by empirical data collected from schools across various Chinese regions. Distinct improvements were seen in cognitive domains such as problem-solving, attention, memory, and cognitive flexibility. The research underlined a correlation between multilingual education and an enriched cognitive repertoire, showcasing the ability to think divergently and handle complex tasks efficiently. The study also addressed the challenges involved in implementing multilingual education, including the need for specialized resources and trained educators. Despite these hurdles, the findings from China echoed the global consensus supporting multilingualism as a potent tool in fostering cognitive development. This analysis has broad implications for shaping educational policies worldwide, advocating for more significant incorporation of multilingual education to optimize cognitive growth among students. 

Keywords: Multilingual Education, Cognitive Development, Students, Impact, China.


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How to Cite

Tan , Y. Z., & Xun, M. Y. (2023). The Impact of Multilingual Education on Students’ Cognitive Development: Evidence from the China. Journal of Education, 6(2), 13–21.


