The Use of Information and Communication Technology English in Colleges' of Education in Ghana: The Case of Upper West Region


  • Zinteng James Mccoy College of Education, Nadowli-Ghana
  • Puoza Deo-Donne Mccoy College of Education, Nadowli-Ghana
  • Miftawu Fuseini Gambaga College of Education, North – East Region-Ghana
  • Gyau Alexander Mccoy College of Education, Nadowli-Ghana



The use of information and communication technology English equip student-teachers with the necessary pedagogical knowledge and terminologies to function well in their teaching career. The purpose of this study is to expose student-teachers to the right expressions in relation to ICT-English to adequately prepare them to excel in the teaching of ICT and the English language in order to meet the needs of the 21st century learners. Most of the researchers have focused on the pedagogical relevance of ICT-English language to teachers of English language to the neglect of the impact of ICT-English on the learners. In order to better meet the demands of the existing markets, common knowledge of the global language (ICT English) is believed to play a crucial role in more successful transactions internationally. In today's world, globalization and competitiveness has put more emphasis on preparing students (future specialists) to be innovative, think critically and effectively solve the world's problems. This paper equips students with the historical background of ICT, literature review, the needs, specialist discourse, materials, findings and conclusions. The researcher relied on mixed methodology and used questionnaire and interview guide as tools for the data collection. There is no field in this modern age that does not use ICT. We can even say that every establishment today depends largely on the use of ICT.  Hence, education in any field would be incomplete without ICT knowledge. As such, ICT language and for that matter ICT English, has become a prerequisite skill to our development. Findings show that most the student –teachers now have mastery of phrasal verbs that have been formed through the combination of ICT terminologies with a verb and a preposition or adverb, or both. Most colleges of education employ the use of sophisticated ICT equipment and have in their custody projectors, laptops, mobile phones and drives.

Keywords: Information, Communication, Technology, ICT English, Student-teachers

Author Biographies

Zinteng James, Mccoy College of Education, Nadowli-Ghana

Department of Languages

Puoza Deo-Donne, Mccoy College of Education, Nadowli-Ghana

Department of Information Technology

Miftawu Fuseini, Gambaga College of Education, North – East Region-Ghana

Department of Languages

Gyau Alexander, Mccoy College of Education, Nadowli-Ghana

Department of Languages


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How to Cite

Zinteng, J., Deo-Donne, P., Fuseini, M., & Gyau, A. (2023). The Use of Information and Communication Technology English in Colleges’ of Education in Ghana: The Case of Upper West Region. Journal of Education, 6(2), 98–113.


