The Influence of AI-Powered Adaptive Learning Platforms on Student Performance in Chinese Classrooms


  • Qiong Z. Luo East China Normal University, Shanghai
  • Lihong Y. Hsiao-Chin Shanghai Jiao Tong University



This study delved into the impact of AI-powered adaptive learning platforms on student performance within the context of Chinese classrooms. Utilizing a comprehensive retrospective approach, the research examined the effects of these innovative platforms on academic achievements, engagement levels, and overall learning outcomes. In the past decade, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into educational technology has revolutionized traditional teaching methods. Adaptive learning platforms, driven by AI algorithms, customize learning experiences to cater to individual student needs and learning paces. This study examined a diverse range of Chinese classrooms, encompassing various grade levels and subjects, to ascertain the widespread influence of such platforms. Data collection involved the analysis of historical student performance data from multiple academic years. The study assessed both quantitative metrics, such as test scores and grade improvements, and qualitative indicators, including student feedback and engagement patterns. Through rigorous statistical analyses, the study established correlations between the utilization of AI-powered adaptive learning platforms and enhanced student performance. The findings revealed a significant positive association between the integration of AI-powered platforms and student outcomes. Students exposed to personalized learning experiences exhibited improved academic achievements compared to those in traditional classrooms. Furthermore, the study identified heightened levels of engagement and motivation, as the adaptability of these platforms catered to individual learning preferences. In conclusion, this research underscores the transformative role of AI-powered adaptive learning platforms in Chinese classrooms, highlighting their ability to elevate student performance and engagement. As China continues to embrace technological advancements in education, this study offers valuable insights into the evolution of pedagogical approaches and their positive outcomes on student learning in the past.

Keywords: AI-powered, Adaptive learning platforms, Student performance, Chinese classrooms, Influence


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How to Cite

Luo , Q. Z., & Hsiao-Chin, L. Y. (2023). The Influence of AI-Powered Adaptive Learning Platforms on Student Performance in Chinese Classrooms. Journal of Education, 6(3), 1–12.


