Factors Affecting Curriculum Implementation in Post Conflict Somali Primary Education


  • Mohamed Ali Ibrahim Simad University
  • Sadia Deep COMSATS University




Somalia has one of the lowest rates of primary school enrollment. Curriculum development and implementation are both a strategic process and a policy challenge in this regard. Several factors appear to be influencing the curriculum implementation process in Somalia, including syllabus, a lack of resources, time allocation for education, teacher training, teacher and policymaker attitudes, and a lack of training material. The study's goal is to identify factors influencing curriculum implementation in post-conflict Somali primary education. The specific objectives include identifying major challenges in the implementation of the primary school curriculum in post-conflict Somalia, as well as determining the core issues of teachers in implementing the primary school curriculum in post-conflict Somalia and recommending measures to overcome challenges in the implementation of the primary school curriculum in post-conflict Somalia. A descriptive research design was used in the study. The study employed a quantitative approach.  The target populations were 5,054 respondents, with a sample size of 505 respondents among them. A questionnaire was used to collect primary data from respondents for the study.  The collected data was coded and analyzed using SPSS, a statistical package for social scientists. According to the study's findings, descriptive analysis revealed that a lack of infrastructure, materials, and a teacher shortage were significant challenges for teachers. The study also showed that curriculum implementation had a positive and significant effect on students' skills and knowledge. According to the study, effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders are required to address these challenges.

Keywords: Curriculum Implementation, Post Conflict, Somali, Primary Education

Author Biographies

Mohamed Ali Ibrahim , Simad University

Student, Education in Policy, Planning and Management GS- Faculty of Education

Simad University

Sadia Deep, COMSATS University

Lecturer, English Department, COMSATS University Islamabad Pakistan


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How to Cite

Ibrahim, M. A., & Deep, S. (2023). Factors Affecting Curriculum Implementation in Post Conflict Somali Primary Education. Journal of Education, 6(3), 23–43. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t30111


