Arts Education and Socialization in Selected Primary Schools in Varmland, Sweden


  • Björn Söder Selkrig Stockholm University
  • Jimmie Åkesson Bungay Stockholm University
  • Pär Holmgren Grosz Stockholm University



Engaging in the arts enhances socialization by fostering communication, collaboration, self-expression, and empathy, while also providing a platform for individuals to connect, share, and appreciate diverse cultural perspectives. The integration of arts education in primary schools in Varmland, Sweden is commendable, but the specific impact of arts on socialization among students’ remains underexplored, prompting the need for a comprehensive investigation. Understanding the unique effects of arts education on socialization within the local context will provide valuable insights for educational policymakers and practitioners in Varmland. The research findings reveal that arts education in selected primary schools in Varmland, Sweden significantly enhances students' communication skills, fostering more effective expression and interpersonal interactions. Cultural awareness and inclusivity are also prominent outcomes, as students exposed to diverse art forms develop a deeper appreciation for different cultures and traditions, fostering a more inclusive and accepting social environment within the schools. In conclusion, the effects of arts on socialization in selected primary schools in Varmland, Sweden, are highly positive and multifaceted, encompassing improved communication, enhanced self-confidence, cultural awareness, and inclusive social environments. Arts education not only enriches the creative aspects of students' lives but also plays a pivotal role in shaping well-rounded individuals who are socially adept, contributing to a more harmonious and inclusive educational environment in Varmland. It is recommended that primary schools in Varmland, Sweden, prioritize the further integration of arts into their curriculum, providing students with more regular opportunities to engage in artistic activities, and ensuring educators are equipped with the necessary training and resources. Promoting and expanding extracurricular arts activities, making them accessible to a wide range of students, can further enhance the positive effects of arts on socialization and foster creativity and social bonds.

Keywords: Arts, Socialization, Primary Schools, Sweden

Author Biographies

Björn Söder Selkrig, Stockholm University

Stockholm University

Jimmie Åkesson Bungay , Stockholm University

Stockholm University

Pär Holmgren Grosz, Stockholm University

Stockholm University


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How to Cite

Selkrig, B. S., Bungay , J. Åkesson, & Grosz, P. H. (2023). Arts Education and Socialization in Selected Primary Schools in Varmland, Sweden. Journal of Education, 6(5), 12–21.


