Influence of Parents’ Level of Education on Student Enrolment in Public Primary Schools in Kajiado North, Kajiado County, Kenya


  • Wakibiru Rose Njambi Catholic University of East Africa
  • Prof. Peter Koros Catholic University of East Africa
  • Dr.Sr. Elizabeth Piliyesi Catholic University of East Africa



The primary aim of this study was to examine the influence of parents' education level on student enrollment in public primary schools in Kajiado North, Kajiado County, Kenya. The research was guided by the question: How does parents' education level affect student enrollment in public primary schools in Kajiado North, Kajiado County, Kenya? The study employed a convergent mixed-methods approach, using a cross-sectional design for quantitative data and a phenomenological design for qualitative insights. The target population included 16 public primary schools, 16 head teachers, 100 teachers, 200 students, and 16 Board of Management members. Simple random sampling was used to select 5 schools, while stratified sampling was employed to sample 80 teachers and 60 students. Five head teachers were automatically included, and purposive sampling was used to select 5 Board of Management members. Data were collected using questionnaires and interview guides. Instrument validity was ensured through content and face validity assessments by experts, while reliability was confirmed using a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.8. Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies and percentages, and inferential statistics, including t-tests and ANOVA, were applied for quantitative data analysis. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The findings were presented using frequency distribution tables and direct quotes. The results revealed that parents' education level significantly influences student enrollment in public primary schools. Higher parental education levels were associated with increased student enrollment; as educated parents tend to prioritize their children's education. Conversely, lower parental education levels contributed to reduced enrollment rates. The study recommends implementing adult education programs and community awareness campaigns to encourage parental involvement in their children's education, ultimately improving enrollment rates in public primary schools in Kajiado North, Kajiado County.

Keywords: Parental education, student enrolment, public primary schools, Kajiado North, home-based factors

Author Biographies

Wakibiru Rose Njambi, Catholic University of East Africa

Masters Student, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of East Africa

Prof. Peter Koros , Catholic University of East Africa

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Dr.Sr. Elizabeth Piliyesi, Catholic University of East Africa

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Njambi, W. R., Koros , P., & Piliyesi, E. (2024). Influence of Parents’ Level of Education on Student Enrolment in Public Primary Schools in Kajiado North, Kajiado County, Kenya. Journal of Education, 7(2), 134–145.


