Construction Delays and Project Cost Overrun: A Case of Regional Cybercrime Center in Gasabo District, Rwanda


  • Franklin S. Amanya Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Gitahi Njenga Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda



The aim of the survey was to understand the relationship between construction delays and cost overrun in Rwanda more specifically in the Regional Cybercrime Center. More specifically, the research addressed the specific objectives of the effect of inexcusable delays, effect of non-compensable delays and examined the effect of compensable delays on the cost overrun of construction of Regional Cybercrime Center. This survey was anchored on the Stakeholder theory and Results Based Management theory. A combination of descriptive and correlation design was used in this study. A population of 45 including procurement officers, logistic officers, budgeting officers, project managers, site engineers, project planners, interior designers, architectures, it managers, it technicians, supervisors and communication technicians in charge of activities regarding construction and other related activities of Regional Cybercrime Center were used.  This study adopted a consensus approach and encompassed the whole population as sample size. Questionnaires were distributed and used in collection of data. The questionnaires were tested for validity and reliability and a Cronbach’s Alpha of over 0.70 was recorded. Information analysis encompassed the adoption of descriptive statistics by use of standard deviation and mean while inferential statistics were done using correlation and regression and the findings presented using tables and figures. The findings showed Pearson correlation of 0.773 between inexcusable delays and cost overrun while adjusted R-square of 0.588 showed moderating effect and also analysis of variance found to be significant at less than 0.005. For the correlation coefficient of 0.657 between non-compensable delays and cost overrun while adjusted R-square of 0.418 showed weak effect and also analysis of variance found to be significant. For the correlation coefficient of 0.799 between compensable delays and cost overrun though adjusted R-square of 0.630 showed moderating effect and also analysis of variance found to be significant. From outcomes, the objectives were achieved and the entire null hypotheses were rejected. For project owners to achieve timely completion of construction projects without having to incur extra costs which lead to project cost overruns, financial resources/project budget necessary to execute the project must be fully committed and set aside to avoid incongruities caused by delay in payments.

Keywords: Construction delays, cost overrun, regional cybercrime center, Rwanda

Author Biographies

Franklin S. Amanya, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Project Management, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Gitahi Njenga, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Amanya, F. S., & Njenga, G. (2022). Construction Delays and Project Cost Overrun: A Case of Regional Cybercrime Center in Gasabo District, Rwanda. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 6(1), 34–52.


