Monitoring and Evaluation Practices and Performance of the Renewable Energy Projects in Rwanda: A Case of Nyandungu Urban Wetland Eco-Tourism Park, the Engie Energy Access Rwanda Programme


  • Jean Bosco Zingiro Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Gitahi Njenga Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda



This research analyzed the influence of monitoring and evaluation practices on project of Nyandungu Ecotourism Wetland Park project. Specifically, the study focused on the effect of community involvement, technical expertise, and management involvement on project performance of Nyandungu Ecotourism Wetland Park Renewable Energy Project. The study will be of significance to Government Projects, Researcher, Mount Kenya University, Nyandungu Ecotourism Wetland Park Renewable Energy to enhance project performance. The study used program and results based management theories. The study used descriptive research diagram in answering investigational questions. Target populace was 132 and pattern of 100 respondents of Nyandungu Ecotourism Wetland Park renewable energy project was sampled. The study further adopted probability sampling technique with the adoption of easy random sampling. A questionnaire was used to generate required statistics for analysis. Drop and pick out up later method was further used to accumulate facts. A Pre-test was carried out to decide reliable and valid research instruments. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20.0 was beneficial to evaluate information. The findings indicated that majority of respondents (85.3%)  agreed that community involvement has positive effect on project performance, 84.2% of respondents agreed that participatory observing and approach was used in deciding objectives, confirmed, 83.8% consented that participation of stakeholders in M&E influence effectiveness of a development intervention, and 91.2% of respondents disagreed that community members are involving in monitoring and evaluation, planning and budgeting. The overall mean was 2.4744 and standard deviation was 1.1684) in stimulating project performance. The study concluded that putting adequate community involvement would improve project time, cost and quality in Rwanda. The study suggested that management should involve community members are in monitoring and evaluation, planning and budgeting at project initial stages. Management should involve stakeholders in monitoring and evaluation decision making procedures at all levels. Project management should hire skilled and experienced personnel about monitoring and evaluation. Project management should carry out training for staff members. The study suggested to analyse effect of community involvement on economic growth of all rural areas in Rwanda.

Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation Practices, Performance, Renewable Energy Projects, Rwanda

Author Biographies

Jean Bosco Zingiro, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Project Management, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Gitahi Njenga, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Zingiro, J. B., & Njenga, G. (2022). Monitoring and Evaluation Practices and Performance of the Renewable Energy Projects in Rwanda: A Case of Nyandungu Urban Wetland Eco-Tourism Park, the Engie Energy Access Rwanda Programme. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 6(2), 82–102.


