Influence of Social Media on Project Implementation a Case of Stitching Nederlandse Vrijwilligers Isuku Iwacu Project


  • Chemaket Towet Calvin Mount Kenya University of Rwanda
  • Dr. Gitahi Njenga Mount Kenya University of Rwanda



Social media integrates digital media including combinations of graphics, electronic texts, flopping images and audio in a way that people in a computerized environment finds it easy to interact with others for appropriate purposes. The research  sought to examine the influence of social media as one of the modern tool of communication on project implementation, the research was specifically guided by the specific research objectives:- Communication tools, perception and adaptability. Descriptive research design was used to answer question of who, what, where and how. In order to answer the research questions, the targeted population of 150 respondents were selected by means of stratified sampling technique, most of the respondents were the beneficiaries of the project Isuku iwacu. From the target population of 150, slowvans formula was used in deriving the sample size of 109. Primary and secondary data was used to collect information that was relevant in establishing the relationship between social media and project implementation, primary data was gotten by carrying out interviews on specified respondents while secondary data was gotten in the documented information like journals, related research, newspapers etc. Questionnaire was logically designed to capture all the needed information as per the research objectives as well as research questions. Data was collected and analysed using statistical package for social sciences. According to the findings, out of 109 respondents, 107 agreed to be using social media, which is a representation of 98.1%.  Those who claimed not to be using any of social media platforms were 2 (1.8%).  It was also evident that 97(89%) of the respondents had a positive perception that social media was appropriate for project communication, because majority of the respondents were able to access different social media platforms.  As per the performance of projects, it was established that good communications lead to timely completion of the projects, this was supported by 88(80.7%) of the respondents who agreed, without efficient and effective communication, projects might not be completed on time. 98% percent of the respondents had a positive perception on social media being one of the most efficient tool in project communication, It was noted through the study that most respondents are willing to adapt or switch from traditional media of communication tools to social media, which is cheap and easily accessible, compared to traditional media that is expensive and slow.

Keywords:Social Media, Project Implementation, Adaptability, Percerption, Communication tool

Author Biographies

Chemaket Towet Calvin , Mount Kenya University of Rwanda

Student, Project Management, Mount Kenya University of Rwanda, School of Business and Economics, Kigali Rwanda

Dr. Gitahi Njenga, Mount Kenya University of Rwanda

Senior Lecturer, Mount Kenya University of Rwanda, School of Business and Economics, Kigali Rwanda


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How to Cite

Towet, C. C., & Njenga, G. . (2022). Influence of Social Media on Project Implementation a Case of Stitching Nederlandse Vrijwilligers Isuku Iwacu Project. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 6(5), 64–71.


