Monitoring and Evaluation Practices and Sustainability of Education Project in Rwanda; A Case of University of Rwanda-Sweden Program for Research, Higher Education, and Institutional Advancement


  • Mr. GAKOMEYE Charles Mount Kenya University
  • Dr. Gitahi Njenga Mount Kenya University



The study examined the impact of monitoring and evaluation practices on the sustainability of the University of Rwanda-Sweden Program. While Rwanda's higher education sector has experienced significant growth, there is still a shortage of qualified staff for research, policy engagement, and high-quality postgraduate education. The research objectives of the study were to assess the influence of M&E capacity building, M&E budgeting, and M&E quality assurance on the sustainability of the UR-Sweden Program. The study utilized survey research design, including descriptive research survey design and correlational research design. The target population consisted of 82 employees of the program, and a structured questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. The data analysis involved inferential statistics, including regression modeling and correlation analysis. According to the findings of the first research objective (β1= 0.341, p-value=0.000<0.05), M&E for capacity building influences the sustainability of the UR-Sweden Programme for RHEIA in a significant way. According to the findings of the second research objective (β2= 0.194, p-value= 0.006<0.05), M&E budgeting influences the sustainability of the UR-Sweden Programme for RHEIA in a significant way. According to the findings of the third research objective (β3= 0.423, p-value=0.000<0.05), M&E quality assurance has a significant positive effect on the UR-Sweden Programme for RHEIA's sustainability.The study found a significant positive correlation between M&E practices and the long-term viability of the UR-Sweden Program. Approximately 71.8% of sustainability changes were determined and influenced by M&E budgeting, M&E quality assurance, and M&E capacity building. These findings highlight the significance of efficient M&E systems and the need for qualified personnel with the necessary technical knowledge and training. The study concluded that the UR-Sweden Program for RHEIA has robust Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) practices that significantly contribute to its sustainability. This strength in M&E is evident in human resource capacity, effective budgeting, and quality assurance mechanisms, all of which play critical roles in the program's long-term viability and impact. The study recommends ongoing investment in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for capacity building through regular training and efficient budget allocation. The study also recommends maintaining and potentially enhancing quality assurance mechanisms, including periodic internal and external audits, to ensure data reliability. Lastly, the study emphasizes the importance of specialized training for both in-field and on-field staff for effective project planning and resource allocation.

Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation Practices, Sustainability, Education Projects, Rwanda

Author Biographies

Mr. GAKOMEYE Charles , Mount Kenya University

Department, Business Administration, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dr. Gitahi Njenga , Mount Kenya University

Department, Business Administration, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


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How to Cite

GAKOMEYE, C., & Njenga , G. (2023). Monitoring and Evaluation Practices and Sustainability of Education Project in Rwanda; A Case of University of Rwanda-Sweden Program for Research, Higher Education, and Institutional Advancement. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(10), 97–122.




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