Role of Project Risk Assessment on Performance of Credit Products at Bank of Africa, Rwanda


  • Oline Emma Mount Kigali University Rwanda
  • Gitahi Njenga Mount Kigali University Rwanda



The study examined the role of project risk assessment on performance of credit products at the Bank of Africa in Rwanda. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: To determine the contribution of technical feasibility on performance of credit product at Bank of Africa, to establish the contribution of project financial viability on performance of credit product at Bank of Africa and to evaluate the contribution of client’s credit rating on performance of credit product at Bank of Africa. This study applied descriptive design to get results related to the study, the target population as well sample size was 72 respondents. Researcher utilized census as sampling technique. The source of data was primary and secondary methods. Questionnaires were adopted to collect primary data and documentary review applied for collecting secondary data. The data was obtained using descriptive statistical analysis with use of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics by the use of Pearson correlation (r) and multiple linear regression analysis through Social Packages and Statistical Science version 23. The presentation of results was presented using tables, the pilot test was determined to ensure the validity and reliability of instrument used in data collection. The results were presented using Pearson Coefficient Correlation to indicate the relationship between variables, the findings showed that technical feasibility correlated with credit product at Bank of Africa at r=0.76; Furthermore, project financial viability influences performance of credits products at correlation coefficient of .738 while the findings showed that there is positive correlation between client’s credit rating and performance of credit product at Bank of Africa at 72.1%. The study concludes that project risk assessment contributes to the performance of credit products through technical feasibility, project financial viability and client’s credit rating. The study recommends that project implementors need to improve the client credit rating to enhance performance of credit products.

Keywords:  Project Risk Assessment, Performance, Credit Products, Rwanda

Author Biographies

Oline Emma, Mount Kigali University Rwanda

School of Business and Economics

Gitahi Njenga, Mount Kigali University Rwanda

School of Business and Economics


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How to Cite

Oline, E., & Njenga, G. (2023). Role of Project Risk Assessment on Performance of Credit Products at Bank of Africa, Rwanda. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(12), 69–81.


