Project Management Practices and Project Performance in Rwanda; A Case of One Acre Fund Project


  • Tumwizere Alice Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Dr. Irechukwu Eugenia Nkechi Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda



The aim of this research was to determine the effect of project management practices on project performance in One Acre Fund Projects, with the following specific objectives: To evaluate the relationship of project business case and performance of One Acre Fund Project, to examine the contribution of project brief on performance of One Acre Fund Project, to investigate the relationship of creating project plan and performance of projects especially in One Acre Fund Project. This study was structured as an analysis of the project management methods on the performance of the One Acre Fund Project. It requires close observation of a situation and involves both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The responses to research surveys drawn from One Acre Fund Project workers. To gather data, the researcher used questionnaires to collect the data. 150 employees of One Acre Fund Project made up the population for the purposes of this study to refer to the study's target population as the area of concentration from which generalizations about the research findings were formed. The sample size was chosen by applying the Slovin’s formula. Therefore, 109 respondents. The stratified sampling technique used to determine the appropriate sample size to select from each stratum. Both primary and secondary data were required to support this investigation. Descriptive and inferential statistics used to analyze the quantitative and qualitative data. Multi-stage and purposive sampling method Quantitative data analysis calculated using SPSS version 25.0, while information gathered through interviews and thematically analyzed using content analysis. The results indicate that a favorable correlation (r = 0.727, p=0.000< 0.05) was found between Project business case and performance of One Acre Fund Projects. The quality of the Project brief has a favorable relationship with the outcome of One Acre Fund Projects (r = 0.774, p=0.000< 0.05). In-depth project plan creation is positively correlated with the performance of One Acre Fund Projects, as shown by the data (r = 0.789, p=0.000< 0.05). One Acre Fund Rwanda should invest in well-structured, strategically aligned project business cases, regularly updating them to adapt to changing circumstances, and fostering improved project performance. Standardized guidelines for project briefs and monitoring their adherence are advised to enhance project initiation and goal consistency. Additionally, enhancing project planning processes, emphasizing adaptability through regular reviews and adjustments, is essential for optimizing project execution and performance.

Author Biographies

Tumwizere Alice, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Master of Business Administration, Project Management, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Dr. Irechukwu Eugenia Nkechi, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Lecturer, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Tumwizere, A., & Irechukwu , E. N. (2023). Project Management Practices and Project Performance in Rwanda; A Case of One Acre Fund Project. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(12), 82–92.


