Effect of Team Building on Employee Productivity; A Case Study of Eastpharma Company in Turkey


  • Gokhan Kirkman Baharom Marmara University
  • Tunahan Gaskin Stoverink Marmara University
  • Owen Sanyal Kalogiannidis Marmara University




Team building is crucial in the current business environment as companies seek team-based frameworks to improve their productivity. Team building is the process of forming teamwork in a firm. Team building events allow for interactions and encourage workers to work as a team and know each other well. Thus, the study sought to examine the effect of team building on employee productivity at Eastpharma Company. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The target population was 289 employees from EastPharma Company. The collection of the data was done using questionnaires. It was discovered that team building is positively and significantly related to employee productivity (β=0.357, p=0.014). The study concluded that when the efficiency in team building improves by one unit, the employees' productivity in firms in Turkey will increase by 0.357 units while other factors that influence the employees' productivity are held unchanged. Employees who work as teams have more productivity than those who work individually. Team building improves compatibility between team members and creates harmony that increases the productivity and success of the firm. Team building is often considered an ideal approach for developing high-performing teams with preferable interpersonal skills, team resilience and a better understanding of firms' goals. It enables employees to relieve stress from ongoing work and refresh their minds. The study recommended more emphasis should be on promoting the employees' team building to increase their production. The goals of an organization cannot be achieved by not working in unity. Team building is often considered an ideal approach for developing high-performing teams.

Keywords: Team building, employees’ productivity, Eastpharma Company, Turkey

Author Biographies

Gokhan Kirkman Baharom, Marmara University

Postgraduate student, Marmara University

Tunahan Gaskin Stoverink , Marmara University

Lecturer, Marmara University

Owen Sanyal Kalogiannidis, Marmara University

Lecturer, Marmara University


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How to Cite

Baharom, G. K. ., Stoverink , T. G., & Kalogiannidis, O. S. . (2022). Effect of Team Building on Employee Productivity; A Case Study of Eastpharma Company in Turkey. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 6(4), 11–20. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t50109


