Authentic Leadership and Ethical Behavior of Employees in Commercial Banks in Kenya


  • Crispin A. Mbata University of Nairobi
  • Mercy Florah Oluoch University of Nairobi
  • Muindi Florence University of Nairobi



This study conceptualized and tested the relationship between authentic leadership and ethical behavior of employees in commercial banks in Kenya. Previous researchers have argued that authentic leadership influences performance of organizations. Few studies that have looked at the relationship between authentic leadership and ethical behavior of employees have reported conflicting results. As a result, there was need to conduct more studies to establish the existence of the relationship between the study variables. The main objective of the study was to establish the relationship between authentic leadership and ethical behavior of employees in commercial banks in Kenya. The study specifically aimed at establishing the effect of authentic leadership on ethical behavior of employees. A descriptive survey design used structured questionnaires to collect data from 384 employees of commercial banks in Kenya. Inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Hypothesis test was done using simple linear regression analysis. The study findings indicated that authentic leadership had a significant influence on ethical behavior of employees.  The findings made significant contribution to knowledge by validating the propositions of the theory that informed the study in commercial banks in Kenya. Further, the results provided value to policy makers in human resource management and commercial banks as far as entrenching authentic leadership in their organizations is concerned. The study therefore recommends that the commercial banks in Kenya leadership promotes authentic leadership so as to improve ethical behavior of employees in their respective banks. The study proposes that future studies consider other contexts and different research designs.

Keywords: Authentic Leadership, Ethical Behavior & Commercial Banks

Author Biographies

Crispin A. Mbata, University of Nairobi

PhD Candidate, Department of Business Administration, University of Nairobi-Kenya

Mercy Florah Oluoch, University of Nairobi

Department of Business Administration, University of Nairobi-Kenya

Muindi Florence, University of Nairobi

Department of Business Administration, University of Nairobi-Kenya


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How to Cite

Mbata, C. A., Oluoch, M. F., & Muindi, F. (2023). Authentic Leadership and Ethical Behavior of Employees in Commercial Banks in Kenya. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 7(1), 99–113.


