Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employee Development in Novartis Basel, Switzerland


  • Amherd Matthias Adolfsson University of Lugano
  • Aebi Viola Weisshaar University of Lugano
  • Aebischer Andreas Yan University of Lugano




Performance appraisals play a pivotal role in identifying individuals' training needs and guiding them towards relevant learning programs and resources. Feedback and recognition are fundamental aspects of performance appraisal process. Regular check-ins between managers and employees foster ongoing discussions, addressing challenges, and identifying growth opportunities. It is essential to explore whether the feedback provided during performance appraisals is sufficiently constructive, actionable, and aligned with employees' development goals. Companies are required to invest in both internal and external training initiatives, such as workshops, seminars, e-learning platforms, and leadership development programs. The study utilized the descriptive research design. The target population was 85 workers.  The research did sampling of 70 respondents that were selected from the target population of 85 employees in Novartis, Switzerland. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. The research concluded that by offering constructive feedback, the company helps individuals understand their strengths and areas for development, enabling them to enhance their skills and knowledge. The goal-setting component of the performance appraisal allows employees to align their personal objectives with the organization's goals, promoting focus and direction in their development efforts. Effective performance appraisal system, combined with its commitment to talent development, positions it as a leading organization in Switzerland when it comes to employee development. It was recommended that managers should focus on highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement, offering clear guidance on how employees can enhance their performance and achieve their development goals. Managers should provide personalized guidance and support, helping employees create effective development plans and providing resources to facilitate their growth. Implementing regular feedback mechanisms and establishing forums for knowledge sharing and collaboration can further promote employee development.

Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Employee Development, Novartis, Switzerland

Author Biographies

Amherd Matthias Adolfsson, University of Lugano

Postgraduate Student, University of Lugano

Aebi Viola Weisshaar , University of Lugano

Lecturer, University of Lugano

Aebischer Andreas Yan, University of Lugano

Lecturer, University of Lugano


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How to Cite

Adolfsson, A. M. ., Weisshaar , A. V. ., & Yan, A. A. (2023). Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employee Development in Novartis Basel, Switzerland. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 7(2), 16–25. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t5169


