Conceptualizing and Measuring Collaborative Leadership in an Organizational Context


  • Gilbert Atuto Ang'ana Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya
  • Dr. Walter Juma Ongeti Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya
  • Dr. Jane Adhiambo Chiroma Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya



This study conceptualizes and investigates the impact of collaborative leadership on the performance of organizations by assessing authentic relationships, leaders' behaviour, and top echelons' support as indicators. Through a quantitative approach employing a questionnaire survey with 217 managers from insurance companies in Kenya, the research used Likert-style questions to gauge perceptions of these collaborative leadership factors and their correlation with performance. Analyzing the data involved descriptive statistics and ANOVA. Findings revealed that authentic relationships, leaders' behaviour, and top echelons significantly and positively impact the performance of these organizations, with top echelons' support being the most influential. Additionally, a combined measure of collaborative leadership encompassing all three variables showed a notable significant and positive impact on performance. The study underscores the significance of fostering employees' mutual understanding and respect within organizations, emphasizing their role in establishing a robust foundation for authentic relationships. These insights offer practical guidance for leaders and managers in organizations, aiming to elevate organizational performance by applying collaborative leadership principles.

Keywords: Collaborative leadership, authentic relationships, leaders' behaviour, top echelons support, performance

Author Biographies

Gilbert Atuto Ang'ana , Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya

PhD Candidate, Department of Organizational Leadership, Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya

Dr. Walter Juma Ongeti , Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya

Senior Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Organizational Leadership, Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya

Dr. Jane Adhiambo Chiroma, Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya

Senior Lecturer, Department of Organizational Leadership, Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Ang’ana, G. A., Ongeti , W. J., & Chiroma, J. A. (2023). Conceptualizing and Measuring Collaborative Leadership in an Organizational Context. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 7(6), 101–129.


