Influence of Employees Training on Faith Based Organizations Performance: A Case of Catholic Diocese of Embu


  • James Murithi Muchira The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Thomas Ngui The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Paul Mathenge The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Skills, Employees Behaviour, Technological-knowledge, Dynamic capabilities, Performance.


Employees are very essential for the growth of any organization. The different roles that they play toward an organization success cannot be underestimated. Therefore, equipping employees through effective training becomes essential for maximization of their job performance and consequently improve organizations output. This study investigated the influence of employees training on Faith Based Organizations performance: A case of Catholic Diocese of Embu. The following objectives guided this study; Determining how employees skills influence the performance of Faith Based Organizations, to investigate how behaviors after employees training affect performance of an organization, to establish how technologically- oriented knowledge has affected faith based organizations performance and to investigate diverse employees dynamic capabilities and their influence on performance of Faith Based organizations. The researcher used descriptive research design. The population target for this study was the employees of Catholic Diocese of Embu secretariat and Pastoral departments totaling 84 employees. Census survey was used to get the target study population. Data collection tools were questionnaires and structured interview guide. The collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Inferential analysis involved testing how the dependent and independent variables are related. The interview guide was analyzed qualitatively and presented in a narrative form. The information from the guide was integrated within the quantitative data. From the analysis the following key findings were obtained; the key soft skill that the employees have at the organization is the communication skills. Due to the positive interpersonal skills, they have been able to overcome various obstacles that may affect their productivity within the institution. Through the good communication skills there is a good understanding and this affects their performance positively. Training influenced attitude and behaviour of the respondents to a greater extent. The technology-oriented knowledge level among majority of the respondents was on an intermediate level. Technologically-oriented knowledge has made work easier especially in this era where technology is being integrated in service provision. The dynamic capabilities among the employees influenced the performance of the department to a greater extent. There is need for intensive training programs to be provided in the organization either on-job training or out of job. The training provided should be designed in a manner that they address the specific and unique skills required by the employees to meet their day to day tasks. Financial allocations should also be put in place to support the training programs. Inadequacy of finances limits the extent to which the training programs are planned and conducted within the organization.

Key Words: Skills, Employees Behaviour, Technological-knowledge, Dynamic capabilities, Performance.

Author Biographies

James Murithi Muchira, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Graduate student

Thomas Ngui, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Faculty of Commerce

Paul Mathenge, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Faculty of Commerce


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How to Cite

Muchira, J. M., Ngui, T., & Mathenge, P. (2018). Influence of Employees Training on Faith Based Organizations Performance: A Case of Catholic Diocese of Embu. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 2(6), 13–34. Retrieved from


