Contribution of Procurement Procedures to the Achievement of Non-Profit Organizations Objectives: Case of RTI International
The general objective of this study analyzed the contribution of procurement procedures to the achievement of International Organizations objectives with a reference of RTI International. The following are the specific objectives of this study: determine the effect of identification needs on the achievement of RTI International objectives, assess the effect of procurement planning on the achievement of RTI International objectives, find out the effect of supplier sourcing on the achievement of RTI International objectives and assess the effect of contract management on the achievement of RTI International objectives. This study refers and uses the theories like agency theory, relation contract theory, contract compliance theory and collective action theory. This research used the descriptive survey and the linear correlation design used to measure the relation between the two variables which are achievement of international organization`s objectives (dependent variable) and procurement procedures (independent variable). All 112 people responded to the prepared questionnaire. The study conducted using questionnaires containing close ended questions and the researcher used documentary technique to gather secondary data. The collected data then entered into the computer and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists SPSS version 22. The Pearson correlation coefficients indicate that identification needs and organizational objective achievement are strongly positively correlated (r=0.700, p<0.05). Moreover, the findings reveal that procurement planning is positively correlated with organizational objective achievement of RTI International (r=0.724, p<0.05). The analysis of correlation coefficients reveals that there is no meaningful correlation between supplier sourcing practices and organizational objective achievement of RTI International (r =0.166, p=0.081) p> 0.05. There is significant correlation between contract management and the organization's success in achieving its objectives of RTI International (r = 0.335, p = 0.000). These findings indicate that supplier sourcing has no significant effect on the achievement of objectives of RTI International. RTI International is recommended to refine its supplier evaluation criteria. Incorporating factors such as supplier capabilities, experience, and alignment with organizational values can lead to more informed supplier selection decisions.
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