Organizational Structure and Implementation of Strategic Plans: A Case Study of Etisalat in UAE


  • Ahmad Al Mazroui Sajjad Abu Dhabi University
  • Rashid Al Falasi Mustafa Abu Dhabi University
  • Suhail Al Maktoum Alfaro Abu Dhabi University



Organizational structure refers to the formal framework of roles, responsibilities, and relationships within an organization. It defines the hierarchy, reporting lines, and decision-making processes that shape how work is carried out and how goals are achieved. An effective organizational structure is crucial for the successful implementation of strategic plans as it ensures efficient coordination, resource allocation, and alignment of efforts. The implementation of strategic plans involves translating strategic objectives into actionable steps and initiatives. It requires clear communication, effective leadership, and the mobilization of resources. Implementation involves setting priorities, assigning responsibilities, and establishing performance measures to track progress towards strategic goals. A well-defined organizational structure provides the framework for executing these tasks and enables the organization to respond to challenges and opportunities in a coordinated and efficient manner. The research findings indicate that Etisalat has made efforts to align its hierarchical organizational structure with its strategic goals. The clear lines of authority and accountability have facilitated efficient decision-making and resource allocation for strategic initiatives. Regular evaluations allow the organization to identify areas of improvement, make necessary adjustments, and ensure strategic alignment. The study concluded that organizational structure has enabled cross-functional collaboration and coordination, facilitating the implementation of innovative services and infrastructure projects. The company has effectively communicated its strategic objectives to stakeholders, resulting in partnerships, regulatory support, and customer satisfaction. The study recommended that Etisalat should focus on fostering flexibility and adaptability within its hierarchical organizational structure which can be achieved by implementing agile methodologies and creating cross-functional teams that can respond quickly to market changes and emerging trends. Etisalat should strengthen its performance monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure the effective implementation of strategic plans.

Keywords: Organizational Structure, Implementation, Strategic Plans, UAE

Author Biographies

Ahmad Al Mazroui Sajjad, Abu Dhabi University

Abu Dhabi University

Rashid Al Falasi Mustafa , Abu Dhabi University

Abu Dhabi University

Suhail Al Maktoum Alfaro, Abu Dhabi University

Abu Dhabi University


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How to Cite

Sajjad, A. A. M., Mustafa , R. A. F., & Alfaro, S. A. M. (2023). Organizational Structure and Implementation of Strategic Plans: A Case Study of Etisalat in UAE. Journal of Strategic Management, 7(8), 12–21.


