Effect of Restructuring on Organisational Performance. A Study of Selected of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in an Emerging Economy


  • Abiodun, Olumuyiwa Olatubosun Birmingham City University




This study investigated restructuring and organisational performance of SMEs in emerging economies using a study of chosen SMEs in Lagos state, Nigeria. A quantitative research approach based on the survey method was employed for this study using a sample of 400 respondents in selected areas in Lagos state selected through purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analysed through descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as Regression analysis to test of the hypotheses. The findings revealed the independent variable can account for R-square value (89.3%) of the dependent variable, thereby indicating there is a significant effect of strategy restructuring on organisational performance. Also, the outcomes of this study revealed that the independent variable can report for R-square value (95.1%) of the dependent variable thus process restructuring has a significant effect on organisational performance. The outcomes of this study also revealed R-square value (83.7%) of the dependent variable can be described for by the independent variable; hence, there is a significant effect of manpower restructuring on organisational performance.  Finally, the study outcomes revealed R-square value (96.2%) of the dependent variable can be described for by the independent variable, thus there is a significant effect of financial restructuring on organisational performance. Therefore, it was concluded that the significant positive effect of restructuring has on organisational results of SMEs in an emerging economy such as Nigeria, with financial restructuring having the most dynamic and significant effect organisational performance. It was recommended among other things that organizations and management should focus on appropriate restructuring through appropriate policies and processes in a manner that enhances employee and organisational performance.

Keywords: Restructuring, Strategy, Organisational Performance, SMEs.

Author Biography

Abiodun, Olumuyiwa Olatubosun, Birmingham City University

MSc. Management and International Business, Birmingham City University


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How to Cite

Abiodun, O. O. (2024). Effect of Restructuring on Organisational Performance. A Study of Selected of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in an Emerging Economy. Journal of Strategic Management, 8(2), 84–108. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t2420


