Nehemiah: A Strategic Leader Worthy to be Rivalled by Organizational Leaders of the 21st Century


  • Ogochi K. Deborah Pan Africa Christian University


There are many examples of strategic leaders in the Bible that are motivational to the 21st century organizational leaders. Nehemiah is one of the prominent strategic leader in the Old Testament who accepted to be used of God in the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem that were in ruins after the Babylonian's attack. There are a many lessons to learn from his experience of strategic leadership especially in the 21st century where not many people in God and His power and enabling to achieve great things as a strategic leader. According to Ahiamadu (2011), Nehemiah's story and his work is one of the greatest in faith and perseverance. Amid great hardship and great opposition, Nehemiah strategically kept on working until he successfully completed the work. He also reinstated cultural reformation and moral life of the Jews. Chiegboka (2012) posit that Nehemiah reawakened the moral and cultural consciousness of the people through renewing the covenant they had with God and the restoration of the true worship of God which people had abandoned.

Keywords: Nehemiah, Strategic Leader & Organizational Leaders.

Author Biography

Ogochi K. Deborah, Pan Africa Christian University

Phd Candidate, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Deborah, O. K. (2018). Nehemiah: A Strategic Leader Worthy to be Rivalled by Organizational Leaders of the 21st Century. Journal of Strategic Management, 2(4), 85–94. Retrieved from


