Customer Relationship Management and Competitive Advantage: A Case of Kenya School of Government


  • Mary Awuor Owii The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Susan Wasike The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Joseph Ntale The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


customer acquisition strategies, customer retention strategies, customer participation strategies, customer communication strategies, competitive advantage, Kenya School of Government.


The Kenya School of Government faces competition from higher educational institutions in offering educational services. The general objective of the study was to establish the relationship of customer management strategies and competitive advantage of Kenya School of Government. The study employed descriptive research design. The population of study was 140 employees from different departments at Kenya School of Government from which a sample size of 104 respondents were picked by stratified random sampling technique. Data was collected using questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. The results revealed that customer acquisition strategies, customer retention strategies, customer participation strategies and customer communication strategies have a significant effect on competitive advantage. It is recommended that Kenya school of Government should adopt customer need assessment to enhance competitive advantage through alignment of customer search intent to content upgrades, establishment of distribution network, and participation in customer promotions events. The institution should further strive to improve communication with customers by engaging them in consultative talk before selling a service to them, creating a platform for the customers to lodge complaints and compliments, personalize customer communications, give priority to customer calls and listen carefully to customer needs, views and requests.

Keywords: customer acquisition strategies, customer retention strategies, customer participation strategies, customer communication strategies, competitive advantage, Kenya School of Government.

Author Biographies

Mary Awuor Owii, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Graduate Student, Department of Business Administration, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Susan Wasike, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Department of Business Administration, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Joseph Ntale, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Department of Business Administration, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Owii, M. A., Wasike, S., & Ntale, J. (2018). Customer Relationship Management and Competitive Advantage: A Case of Kenya School of Government. Journal of Strategic Management, 2(5), 32–46. Retrieved from




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