Effects of Routing and Scheduling Plans, Logistical Procedures and Customer Service on Delivery of Courier Services at the Postal Corporation of Kenya


  • Muktar Abdullahi St. Paul's University
  • Dr. Paul Gesimba St. Paul's University
  • Dr. David Gichuhi St. Paul's University


Customer service is an important aspect in every business and courier services is no exception. Technological advancements as well as changing customer needs have put a lot of pressure on businesses because customers are demanding better services. This study evaluated the effects of Transportation determinants on the customer service delivery of courier business of Postal Corporation of Kenya. The main objective of the study was to investigate the Effects of Routing, Scheduling Plans, Logistical Procedures and Customer Service on Delivery of Courier Services at the Postal Corporation of Kenya. A case study of Postal Corporation of Kenya was adopted where the target population was 300 employees. A sample study of 169 respondents was selected from the total target population. The study was grounded Systems Theory. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from employees in management level, the operation, fleet and logistic staff. The collected data was edited, coded and entered for analysis using the computer statistical package tool SPSS. Data was analyzed using both descriptive statistic and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics was applied in analyzing general data and inferential was used to analyze the relationship of the variables. Analyzed data was presented in tables, graphs and charts for clarity. The study found that routing and scheduling plans had positive and significant effect on customer service delivery of courier services of Postal Corporation of Kenya; logistical procedures also had positive and significant effect on customer service delivery of courier services of Postal Corporation of Kenya. The study recommended on enhanced internal and external innovative ways of improving scheduling and routing that are unique, market acceptable, need solving and can easily be used by target clients.  The study also recommends that Postal Corporation of Kenya should have elaborate, detailed and well understood logistical procedures to improve performance. Better procedures improve service delivery which aid in minimizing the cost of corporation. Furthermore, the management should provide leadership and goodwill support in implementing the usage of logistic procedures.

Keywords: Routing & Scheduling Plans, Logistical Procedures, Customer Service, Delivery of Courier Services and Postal Corporation of Kenya.

Author Biographies

Muktar Abdullahi, St. Paul's University

Post graduate student,St. Paul’s University

Dr. Paul Gesimba, St. Paul's University

Lecturer, Department of Business, St. Paul’s University

Dr. David Gichuhi, St. Paul's University

Lecturer, Department of Business, St. Paul’s University


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How to Cite

Abdullahi, M., Gesimba, D. P., & Gichuhi, D. D. (2017). Effects of Routing and Scheduling Plans, Logistical Procedures and Customer Service on Delivery of Courier Services at the Postal Corporation of Kenya. Journal of Strategic Management, 1(1), 13–28. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-strategic-management/article/view/38


