Nehemiah the Governor: An Exemplary Strategic Leader


  • Mwongeli Muthuku Pan Africa Christian University


Strategy, Strategic leadership & Nehemiah


Nehemiah is renowned as one of the greatest strategic leaders of old. Faced with political opposition, enemies threatening to attack and a handful of soldiers to fight against them, Nehemiah had to use various strategies in order to win the battle ahead of him as well as rebuild and secure the great city of Jerusalem. Upon receiving a blessing from the King, Nehemiah set out to rebuild the great walls and gates of the city of Jerusalem (Holy Bible, 2018). Against all odds, holding his sword with one hand and using the other to work, Nehemiah led his troops to accomplish the work and got the wall up and standing in a matter of days. To achieve this great success, Nehemiah engaged various leadership strategies which included prayer, providing vision and foresight, adaptability, perseverance and leveraging on power and influence. This paper reviews the strategies Nehemiah employed so as to lead his team, the children of Israel to successfully rebuild the wall and repair Jerusalem's gates as recorded in the Holy Bible (Nehemiah 1-5). Nehemiah's leadership in light of strategic leadership schools as well as application of his leadership approaches to today's 21st century organization are also highlighted.

Keywords: Strategy, Strategic leadership & Nehemiah

Author Biography

Mwongeli Muthuku, Pan Africa Christian University

PhD Candidate


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How to Cite

Muthuku, M. (2020). Nehemiah the Governor: An Exemplary Strategic Leader. Journal of Strategic Management, 4(1), 67–77. Retrieved from


