Events Marketing as a Strategic Communication Tool towards Performance of Telecommunication Firms: A Case of Safaricom Plc, Kenya
The traditional means of marketing communications have begun to lose their luster and companies are racing to find alternatives and modern tools to communicate with its stakeholders to achieve various marketing objectives. The study investigated how promotion of events, sponsorship of events, participation in online events and participation in trade show events as strategic marketing communication strategies influence performance in Safaricom Company. The study was anchored on four theories namely; AIDA theory, social exchange theory, relationship marketing theory and diffusion of innovations theory. The descriptive research design was utilized.. The target population comprised of 2045 employees. The unit of analysis included consumer Business unit division, Enterprise Business unit division, financial services division, corporate affairs division and strategy and innovation division. The units of observation were top managers, middle managers and junior officers. The study used a sample size of 354 respondents. The study administered questionnaires to gather the data. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to organize, code and analyze information to generate the quantitative report. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics were presented in averages, frequencies distributions and percentage distributions while the inferential statistics included the correlation coefficient. The findings of the study established that trade shows & fairs, sporting events, entertainment events, charity events, and roadshows were the most event marketing activities used by Safaricom PLC Company. The study also found that event marketing strategies included participation in physical events, participation in online events and sponsorship of events. The study concluded that participation in physical events and company's performance was positively and significantly associated (r=.724, p=.000). Participation in online events and the company's performance was positively and significantly associated (r=.542, p=.000). Participation in online events was positively and significantly associated with company's performance (r=.683, p=.000). The study recommended that management at Safaricom Plc need to emphasize much on event marketing activities such as trade shows & fairs, sporting events, entertainment events, charity events, and roadshows. It is also recommended that during participation in physical events, the company need to offer free sample and gifts at the events and create a social setting for attendees to raise their satisfaction level. It is also recommended that there should be online advertising during live stream events. The Company should emphasize much on online adverting because online advertising can be used to drive traffic to the site and build brand awareness. Safaricom Company needs also to be involved in the sponsorship of events. Sponsorship increases reach and exposures to new clients, customers and businesses.
Keyword: sponsorship of events, online events, physical events, performance, Safaricom Plc,
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