Influence of Customer Alignment on Strategy Implementation in HIV/AIDS Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya
Customers alignment, Strategy implementation, Non-Governmental Organizations, HIV and AIDSAbstract
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) face internal management problems in planning, staffing, leadership and governance and strategy implementation. They are required to think strategically as never before and translate their insight into effective strategies to cope with the changing environment they operate in. In addition, they need to develop rationales necessary to lay the groundwork for implementing strategies. Poor implementation of strategic plans impacts negatively on efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of NGOs in Kenya. The study assessed the influence of customer alignment on strategy implementation in NGOs in Kenya. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey; this is appropriate where the overall objective is to establish whether significant association among variables exists at same time. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. To test the validity and reliability of questionnaire, a pilot study of 10% of the sample was conducted. A sample size of 125 respondents comprising of project officers and managers in charge of strategy implementation was selected using stratified random sampling and purposive sampling methods. Findings indicated that there was a positive and significant influence of customer alignment on strategy implementation. Based on the findings, the study concluded that customer alignment enables the NGOs to identify and explicitly measure the value propositions they deliver to the targeted beneficiaries of their services and donors. The study further concluded that customer complaints whether from donor or receivers of services should be shared with all the staff in the organization so that they can be addressed adequately and professionally. Organizations should continuously review their strategies to ensure that they contribute to the attainment of customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Customers alignment, Strategy implementation, Non-Governmental Organizations, HIV and AIDS
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