Internal Organizational Environment and Implementation of Strategic Plan in the Public Sector: A Case of Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited


  • Bawazir Sahale Said Kenyatta University
  • Lawrence Wainaina Kenyatta University


The Kenya Power Lighting and Company (KPLC) Limited is a dominating player in the energy sector and plays a key role in contributing to the growth of the country's economy. However, statistics on KPLC show that they have been unable to achieve their strategic objectives. The internal organizational environment consists of factors within the firm that affect the achievement of its objectives.  The general objective of this study wase to evaluate the internal organizational environment on implementation of strategic plans in the public sector in Kenya, the case of KPLC. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to determine the influence of human resource on strategic plan implementation in the public sector; to investigate influence of corporate leadership on implementation of strategic plan in public sector in Kenya; to find out the influence of organizational structure on strategic plan implementation in public sector in Kenya and to find out the influence of organizational culture on the strategic plan implementation in public sector in Kenya. The study is beneficial to the public sector, researchers and policy makers. The study was anchored on Resource Based View theory, the Institutional theory and the Contingency theory. The study used descriptive research design because it enhances systematic description that is as accurate, valid and reliable as possible regarding the responses. The study was limited to a target population of 150 staff especially the management staff of Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited based at its headquarter. This descriptive study utilized a target population sample size of 44 respondents which represented 30% of the target population. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. In addition the study used multiple regression model in analyzing the data. The study established that; human resource personnel in KPLC are qualified to enhance implementation of the firm's strategic plan; that top leadership equips employees with relevant skills to enable them carry out strategic activities;  KPLC structure is flexible for making quick decisions; top management have put in place clear rules and regulations to foster implementation of plans. However, it was noted that when it comes to easily adopting to changes in environment, respondents are not able to work as a team and implement strategic plans efficiently. The recommendation of the study is that human resource managers should invest more in training and developing the skills of the staff in the firm, the top management to clearly communicate the goals, vision and direction of the organization to the employees, a research on the company's culture is also key so as to identify it and align the organization's procedures accordingly and the creativity, innovation and perception of the firm's structure to be enhanced in strategic plan implementation.

Keywords: human resource, corporate leadership, organizational structure, organizational culture, implementation of strategic plans, Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited

Author Biographies

Bawazir Sahale Said, Kenyatta University

Post Graduate Student, Graduate Business School, School of Business, Kenyatta University

Lawrence Wainaina, Kenyatta University

Business Administration Department, School of Business,

Kenyatta University


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How to Cite

Said, B. S., & Wainaina, L. (2020). Internal Organizational Environment and Implementation of Strategic Plan in the Public Sector: A Case of Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited. Journal of Strategic Management, 4(4), 1–22. Retrieved from


