Strategy Implementation and School Performance: A Case Of Private Secondary Schools in Tshangu District in City Province of Kinshasa in Democratic Republic of Congo


  • Christian Ntibi Mawanika The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Paul Mathenge The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Caroline Mungai The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


This study sought to assess the influence of strategy implementation on school performance in private secondary schools in Tshangu District, City Province of Kinshasa in Democratic Republic of Congo. The specific objective of the study was to investigate the effect of structure on school performance in private secondary schools in Tshangu District, City Province of Kinshasa in DRC. The Systems Management Theory was used to guide the research. The study used a descriptive survey approach with a target sample of 620 members of the board of directors, instructors, and administrative personnel from 30 private secondary schools. The Krecjie and Morgan Formula was used to generate a sample of 237 employees. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data, which was then analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. The study discovered that the power flow indicated in the school structure guaranteed that plan execution was not delayed. According to the findings, there was a significant positive correlation between strategy implementation and school performance. The first and most powerful independent variable was structure. The study recommends that the school structure be examined to clearly reflect the hierarchical structure of all functions to ensure that decision-making is not delayed because each employee's tasks and responsibilities are evident.

Key words: Strategy Implementation, Structure & School Performance.

Author Biographies

Christian Ntibi Mawanika, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Post Graduate Student, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Paul Mathenge, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Caroline Mungai, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Mawanika, C. N., Mathenge, P., & Mungai, C. (2021). Strategy Implementation and School Performance: A Case Of Private Secondary Schools in Tshangu District in City Province of Kinshasa in Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Strategic Management, 5(2), 61–75. Retrieved from




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