School Management Strategies and Students' Academic Performance in Twelve Years Basic Education in Rwanda


  • Rutayisire Michel Jackson Mount Kenya University
  • Hesbon Opiyo Andala Mount Kenya University



The effective management of school activities through establishment of various professional strategies plays an important role in improvement of students’ academic performance. The purpose of this study was therefore to determine the effect of school management strategies on students’ academic performance in twelve years basic education in Bugesera district in Rwanda.  The study employed correlation research design. The target population was 349 people. The sample size of the study was 187 found by adopting the Yamane formula. The study used questionnaires to collect the data. The findings revealed that supervision, peer learning, school feeding program implementation and implementation feedback and school community relationship can improve students’ academic performance. Regression analysis showed that school management strategies influence students’ performance at 64.9 percent. It was also indicated that, every increase on the influence of school management strategies on students’ academic performance increases at 46.25 percent. The study recommended that ministry of education and educational planners should provide school management facilities in Twelve Years Basic Education and effective set up that should enhance students’ academic performance. School head teachers should follow up the implementation of school management strategies daily so that students’ academic performance in 12YBE can be improved through developing students’ grades, promotion rate, school attendance and homework completion.

Keywords: Management, strategies, school management strategies, academic performance and twelve years basic education 

Author Biographies

Rutayisire Michel Jackson, Mount Kenya University

Postgraduate Student, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Hesbon Opiyo Andala, Mount Kenya University

Lecturer and Research Coordinator, School of Education, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Jackson, R. M., & Andala, H. O. (2022). School Management Strategies and Students’ Academic Performance in Twelve Years Basic Education in Rwanda. Journal of Education, 5(1), 84–96.




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