Project Cost Control and Performance of Bugarama Rice Project in Rwanda


  • Alex Bwankarikari Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Eugenia Nkechi Irechukwu Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda



The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of project cost control on the performance of rice project in Rwanda by taking Bugarama Rice Project. The descriptive case study research based on qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in order to get a better insight of the study. The population of the study was 74 and sample of 57 respondents, sampling technique used pick all the 57 respondents as the sample size of the population. The researcher used SPSS software application in order to process the data. Mean standard deviation and percentages were used for data analysis. The relationship between the variables was established by use of Pearson correlations. The results showed that that majority of the respondents agreed that a project develop accurate cost estimates and realistic project budget that leads to project to minimum cost while minority disagree with the statement. For instance, from the ANOVA results showed that p-value is 0.000 which is less than the 0.05, set as standard significance levels. This means that null hypothesis stated that there is no relationship between keeping a track of project costs and project performance in Bugarama Rice Project, was rejected and goes by the alternative hypothesis, which states that the independent variable influences project performance in Bugarama Rice Project. The results also showed that that majority of the respondents agreed that labor cost of the project is a challenge to project cost control hence poor performance and majority of respondents disagree with statement. This implied that there was a challenge for labor cost in the project. The ANOVA results showed a p-value is 0.000, which is less than the 0.05, set as standard significance levels. This signified that reject null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Therefore, there was statistical significant relationship between planning the project budget for project and project performance thus planning the project budget in Bugarama Rice Project was done by top management has an influence on project performance. The research results showed that majority of the respondents agreed that project manager ensure compliance with the budget for continually compare the actual expenses incurred with the predicted ones throughout the project’s life cycle and minority of the respondents disagreed with statement. The ANOVA results show p-value is 0.000 which is less than the 0.05, set as standard significance levels with fit level of 444.340. This meant that null hypothesis states that there was no relationship between managing project expenses and project performance in Bugarama Rice Project was rejected and goes by the alternative hypothesis, which stated that the independent variable influences project performance in Bugarama Rice Project. Basing on the results the management should emphasize on cost of the project office results in relation to efficiency of project budget cost in the managing project in order to prevent future challenges. Management should have a provision of project financial reports during of project process that minimizes challenges of the project cost control during project completion.

Keywords: Project Cost Control, Performance of Rice Project, Rwanda

Author Biographies

Alex Bwankarikari, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Project Management, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Eugenia Nkechi Irechukwu, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Bwankarikari, A., & Irechukwu, E. N. (2022). Project Cost Control and Performance of Bugarama Rice Project in Rwanda. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 6(2), 60–81.




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