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Effect of Project Communication Practices on Performance of the International Non-Governmental Organizational Projects in Rwanda


  • Marc Singirankabo Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
  • Dr. Catherine Wanjiku Mount Kenya University, Rwanda



Project communication is one of the most important factors that contributes to the success of projects. The International Non Governmental Organizational (INGOs) in Rwanda has highlighted the significant role of communication in the management and success of its projects. This study examined the effect of project communication practices on the performance of INGOs projects in Rwanda. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the effect of participatory communication, results-driven communication, and multi-channelled communication on the performance of INGOs’projects. The study was guided by four theories: participatory communication theory, gratifications theory, goal-oriented communication theory, and implementation theory. The study used a descriptive design with a correlational regression effect, and both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study targeted 170 workers involved in the various projects implemented by INGOs project in Rwanda. Stratified sampling was used to choose the sample. The researcher collected primary data using structured questionnaires and interview guides. The data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study showed that participatory communication was significantly correlated with dialogue and consultation and project schedules. Results-driven communication was associated with feedback on cost efficiency, project schedules, and project quality. Multi-channelled communication was significantly correlated with cohesiveness and consistency of multi-voiced messages and project schedules. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends that INGOs’ project managers should adopt effective project communication practices and use project communication strategies to encourage the attainment of expected goals. The researcher also suggests that further studies should gather data from project team members and stakeholders to enrich empirical literature.

Keywords: Project, Communication Practices, Performance, INGOs Projects


Author Biographies

Marc Singirankabo , Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Masters student, Business Administration, Mount Kenya University


Dr. Catherine Wanjiku, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Lecturer, Business Administration, Mount Kenya University



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2023-06-28 — Updated on 2023-06-28


How to Cite

Singirankabo , M., & Wanjiku, C. (2023). Effect of Project Communication Practices on Performance of the International Non-Governmental Organizational Projects in Rwanda. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(7), 48–59.




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