Influence of Resource Allocation on Performance of Kigali Infrastructure Project


  • Cherissa Irakoze University of Kigali, Rwanda
  • Dr. Samuel Wabala University of Kigali, Rwanda



The effectiveness of resource allocation can be measured in terms of the extent to which it influences project performance. Due to project management requirements to deliver projects within the specified time, budget and that satisfy client needs it is imperative that resources are well allocated to ensure high project performance. Therefore, there is need for project managers to know what they need to make a project successful so that they can effectively plan out the optimal way to use those resources towards better performance of the projects. Thus, the aim of this study was the assessment of how the allocation of resources influences the performance of Kigali Infrastructure Project. This study determined how factors like the identification, estimation, the allocation and monitoring of resources are influencing the success of Kigali Infrastructure Project. The study was guided by the theory of project management, theory of constraints, the resource-based view theory, and the theory of change. A inferential survey design was adopted in this research. The target population was 155 project stakeholders consisting of 90 contractor’s staff, 20 consultant’s staff, 11 staff from MININFRA, 19 staff from City of Kigali and 15 staff from RTDA who were engaged in the phase 1 project within Kigali Infrastructure Project for the period 2021-2022. Selection of the sample was done using stratified random sampling. Semi-structured questionnaires were utilized in gathering of primary data. Analysis of quantitative data was done using descriptive and inferential statistics with use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences. A multiple linear regression model aided in indicating links between resources allocation and performance of Kigali Infrastructure Project. Resource identification, resource estimation, resource allocation and resource monitoring were found to have a positive and significant effect on project performance. The study concluded that a key benefit to resource identification is that it helps organizations to fulfill task specifications efficiently. Successful resource estimation allows in different ways to solve problems related to resource availability  and job efficiency. Efficient resource allocation allows project managers prepare to allocate resources to the task and effectively manage them. Reporting requires daily tracking of key elements of project performance in terms of inputs, actions, and outcomes. The study recommended that project identification should be such as to cope efficiently with the project's needs. On resource estimation, the project should begin with a specified planning strategy and this method is likely to change as the plan progresses and changes take place. The aim is to stay informed and agile and to resolve as quickly as possible all estimates’ issues. On resource allocation, the study recommended that project managers should be mindful of the scope of the project they are operating on, because the greater the nature of the project, the more they will decide how to distribute the money. On resource monitoring, the study recommended that project management during the execution of the plan and should include cost-control strategies, deadlines and deliverables techniques, quality standards approaches and more. The study suggests that further studies should be carried out on how project resource management practices affect the performance of road projects in other regions of Rwanda.

Keywords: Resource Allocation, Resource Identification, Resource Estimation, Resource Prioritization, Resource Monitoring & Adjustment, and Performance.

Author Biographies

Cherissa Irakoze, University of Kigali, Rwanda

Master of Science in Project Management, University of Kigali, Rwanda

Dr. Samuel Wabala, University of Kigali, Rwanda

Senior Lecturer, University of Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Irakoze, C., & Wabala, S. (2024). Influence of Resource Allocation on Performance of Kigali Infrastructure Project . Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 8(5), 46–62.


