Strategic Leadership Schools


  • Fredrick Mutsoli Chimakati  Pan Africa Christian University
  • Dr. Edward Nzinga



Strategic leadership is a critical practice in modern organizations, and the various schools of thought illuminate its complexities. This study explores into these schools of thought, including the Power School, Cultural School, Environmental School, and Configuration School, highlighting their distinct points of view, strengths, and weaknesses. The objective of the study is to provide a comprehensive examination of these strategic management schools of thought, shedding light on their distinct perspectives. This research employs a literature-based methodology, drawing on a diverse set of scholarly sources and research articles. The study provided a comprehensive overview of each strategic management school, exploring their key concepts, characteristics, and contributions to the field by reviewing and synthesizing existing literature on the subject. The study found that each strategic management school provides valuable insights into strategy formation through our literature-based analysis. The Power School emphasizes power dynamics, the Cultural School emphasizes the importance of shared values, the Environmental School emphasizes adaptability to external factors, and the Configuration School views strategy as a dynamic transformation process. While each of these schools has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, they all emphasize the multifaceted and dynamic nature of strategic management. The study concluded that the importance of organizations adopting a multifaceted approach to strategic management. Organizations can benefit from integrating insights from multiple schools of thought rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all strategy. This approach enables the development of robust and adaptable strategies, improving an organization's ability to thrive in a rapidly changing business environment. Strategic management is still a complex and dynamic process that is required for modern organizational success.

Keywords: Strategic Leadership, Power School, Cultural School, Environmental School, Configuration School

Author Biographies

Fredrick Mutsoli Chimakati , Pan Africa Christian University

Student, Pan Africa Christian University

Dr. Edward Nzinga

Lecturer, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Chimakati , F. M., & Nzinga, E. (2023). Strategic Leadership Schools. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 7(6), 55–65.


