Top management team emotional intelligence and organizational financial performance: The case of University of Juba, South Sudan


  • Edward Ugo Bassa The Catholic university of Eastern Africa.
  • Dr. Susan Wasike The Catholic university of Eastern Africa.
  • Dr. Anne Kiboi The Catholic university of Eastern Africa.


Self-awareness, self-regulations, motivations, empathy and social skills.


This study on the University of Juba Top Management Team emotional intelligence intends to determine the link between the emotional intelligence domains such as self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills with the organizational financial performances. The study uses both qualitative and quantitative research design with the target population of 106 top management team from the University of Juba out of which 64 participants took part in the study using stratified sampling design using questionnaire and interview guides as the instruments for data collections. Results of the study unveiled that the five domains of emotional intelligence self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and social skills have significant relationship with the organizational financial performances, although most of the participants' empathy ability was discovered as low level. Therefore, it is advisable for all organizations especially higher institutions of learning like the University of Juba to continuously initiating training programs that aims in developing and enhancing emotional intelligence competencies of their managers and employees if competitive edge is to be achieved considering the swift alteration in higher educational systems that focuses on globalization and competitiveness in this turbulent environment brought about by the challenges of the twenty first century. 

Keywords: Self-awareness, self-regulations, motivations, empathy and social skills.

Author Biographies

Edward Ugo Bassa, The Catholic university of Eastern Africa.

Postgraduate Student,  The Catholic university of Eastern Africa.

Dr. Susan Wasike, The Catholic university of Eastern Africa.

Lecturer, School of Business, The Catholic university of Eastern Africa.

Dr. Anne Kiboi, The Catholic university of Eastern Africa.

Lecturer, School of Business, The Catholic university of Eastern Africa.


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How to Cite

Bassa, E. U., Wasike, D. S., & Kiboi, D. A. (2018). Top management team emotional intelligence and organizational financial performance: The case of University of Juba, South Sudan. Journal of Strategic Management, 2(3), 82–103. Retrieved from


