Role of Monitoring and Evaluation Practices to the Successful Implementation of Projects: A Case of Health Post Project in Musanze District, Rwanda
This study aimed to evaluate the impact of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) practices on the effective execution of health projects in Rwanda, focusing on the Society for Family Health's (SFH) initiatives in Musanze District. Utilizing a descriptive survey and correlational research design, both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed, targeting a population of 102 individuals through stratified and universal sampling techniques. The results revealed strong positive correlations (0.774, 0.756, and 0.764) between M&E design and planning, M&E information dissemination, M&E budgeting, and project implementation, emphasizing the critical role of robust M&E practices in achieving successful project outcomes. Furthermore, the multiple regression analysis highlighted the significance of M&E design and planning (β=0.811, p=0.026), M&E information dissemination (β=0.676, p=0.019), and M&E budgeting (β=1.379, p=0.000) in optimizing project implementation. In light of these findings, it is recommended that SFH prioritize comprehensive project planning, incorporating well-defined objectives, measurable indicators, and clear M&E frameworks. Moreover, continuous and effective dissemination of M&E information is crucial to ensure stakeholders' awareness and engagement. Additionally, dedicating ample resources to M&E budgeting is essential for the successful execution of health post-projects, further emphasizing the necessity of robust M&E practices in fostering the Society for Family Health's initiatives in Musanze District.
Keywords: M&E practices, projects implementation, design and planning, information dissemination, budgeting.
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