On-Site Childcare Strategy Adaptation and Performance of Female Employees; Case Study of I&M Bank (Rwanda)Plc


  • Marthe Uwababyeyi Mount Kenya University
  • Dr. Njenga Gitahi Mount Kenya University




The study explored the impact of on-site childcare strategies on the performance of female employees at I&M Bank. This study used a descriptive research design. The study population was 410 staff of I&M Bank Rwanda (Plc) headquarter, a sample composed by 58 respondents and was selected by purposive sampling. Primary and secondary information was used. Information gathered by questionnaires and documentary review. Data were explored through SPSS. The study found that a significant majority (74.1%) of respondents confirmed the presence of on-site childcare facilities at the banks, though 25.9% disagreed. An overwhelming 84.5% believe there is a link between childcare services and motivation, and the same percentage perceive a relationship between childcare services and leadership quality. Turnover is also seen to be influenced by childcare services, with 89.7% recognizing a connection. Delving into the reasons for potential job departure, the study revealed that respondents would consider leaving their jobs due to factors such as wanting to feel valued (89.7%), seeking better management relationships (79.3%), desiring a different work environment (100%), and looking for more recognition (56.9%). In terms of work-life balance, 56.9% felt their job hinders progress in personal life, 20.7% saw household responsibilities as a challenge, and 22.4% believed both work and home responsibilities were barriers. Furthermore, the strong coefficient of correlation (R=0.894) suggests a significant positive relationship between the studied variables. This indicates that there is a positive and strong relationship between on-site childcare strategy adaptation and performance of female employees within I&M Bank (Rwanda) plc The study concludes respondents concurred that reducing turnover is a key factor in retaining the greatest skills and brains. The study recommends corporations should enhance their employee motivational frameworks in order to lower project difficulties and offer clothes on staffs that need it as they deliver crucial services. There is a need for businesses to boost employee motivation by appreciating their efforts and compensating them appropriately, so that they feel valued for each task they do and contribute to great administrators progressive.
Keywords: Childcare Strategy Adaptation, non-financial rewards,

Author Biographies

Marthe Uwababyeyi , Mount Kenya University

Postgraduate student, Mount Kenya University

Dr. Njenga Gitahi, Mount Kenya University

Lecturer, Mount Kenya University


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How to Cite

Uwababyeyi , M., & Gitahi, N. (2023). On-Site Childcare Strategy Adaptation and Performance of Female Employees; Case Study of I&M Bank (Rwanda)Plc. Journal of Strategic Management, 7(7), 22–41. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t5265


