Parent-Child Relationship Management Strategies and Reintegration of Street Children in Rwanda; A Case of Gasabo District, Rwanda


  • Marie Louise Mukeshimana Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Dr. Andala Hesbon Opiyo (PhD) Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda



This study ascertained impact of parent-child relationship management strategies on the successful reintegration of street children using Gasabo District. The specific goals were to identify parent-child relationship management strategies used for successful street children reintegration, to assess the level of successful street child reintegration, and to assess the relationship between parent-child relationship management strategies and to ensure successful street child reintegration. The study employed a mixed-methods research design that combined descriptive and correlative elements. 1274 parents and kids make up the study population, from which a sample size of 305 respondents was determined using the Slovenian formula. From five sectors of the Gasabo District, a proportionate number of respondents were chosen using a stratified sample technique. A simple random sampling was used to select parents and children, while a targeted sampling technique was used to select key informants from the Gasabo District, National Children's Commission, National Rehabilitation Services and Rehabilitation Centers. A questionnaire survey, an interview guide and a document check were used to collect information. Quantitative data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Data Analysis (SPSS), version 26.0, while qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The results for the first objective were: 71.4 % pointed out positive behavior and 70.6% had tried while 76.2% motivated children to use words. The results show that 69.50% gave their children pocket money, and 65.1% observed reasons for children's behavior. The results for the second objective showed that 64.0% strongly agreed with improving access to education, 44.0% of respondents with improving social behavior. The third objective results found that the correlation between parent-child relationship management strategies in children yielded a Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.843 between positive reinforcement in access to education. In conclusion, effective relationship management strategies between parents and children play an essential role in reintegration of street children. The study recommends that the government should address the root cause before children’s reintegration and adequate preparation by increasing family income before reintegration. Government should focus on the problems that cause children to leave their home for street life. Parents should feel their responsibility, empower community to take care of children and to link children with their families, and to build in a child a trust that create friendship within society. Parents and Community at large, should put in mind that there is no better and comfortable place for a child other than being raised in the family, within the safe environment. Children should to attend school or vocational institutions where they can acquire different skills and they should elevate their voices to ensure that their worries are well-known. 

Keywords: Reintegration of Street Children, Positive reinforcement, financial support, Parent-Child relationship management strategies, Rwanda.

Author Biographies

Marie Louise Mukeshimana , Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

School of Social Sciences, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Dr. Andala Hesbon Opiyo (PhD), Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

School of Education, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Mukeshimana , M. L., & Andala , H. O. (2023). Parent-Child Relationship Management Strategies and Reintegration of Street Children in Rwanda; A Case of Gasabo District, Rwanda. Journal of Education, 6(5), 94–108.




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