Competence Based Learning and Skills Acquisition in Secondary Schools of Rwanda


  • Faustin Mugiraneza Mount Kenya University-Rwanda
  • Hesbon Opiyo Andala Mount Kenya University-Rwanda.


Pragmatism, self-discipline, teamwork, problem solving, communication, discovery.


Over a long period, the Rwandan curriculum was Knowledge Based. This means that the education in this country was delivered only through transmission of knowledge than competence. In the year 2016, the Rwandan Ministry of Education transited the curriculum from Knowledge Based to Competence Based Curriculum. The study was comparative designed to assess the effects of competence based curriculum on learners’ skills acquisition. The research was conducted within six months approximately two academic terms with sample size of 172 respondents including 150 secondary students sample size of  respondents chosen as; the participants of the study who were  students from public secondary schools was chosen as; 17 teachers, 3 head teachers and 2 sector educational officers of 3 sectors of Bugesera District. The competences based learning acquired were learning by doing, teacher’s guidance, group work, problem solving, individual learner’s participation, learners ‘cooperation, peacemaking, commitment, competition, trustworthiness, freedom of expression, persuasive, integrity, partnership, pragmatism, innovation. Data on skills acquisition was collected and analyzed utilizing SPSS to descriptive statistics and through Carl Pearson Coefficient of Correlation which was used to measure the relationship between competences based learning and skills acquisition which was 0.89 level of confidence. Two tell Test determined the skills acquired by students in secondary schools which were attitudes change, debating skills, innovation, discovery, self-perfection, teamwork, communication, leadership skills, problem solving, stamina, organizational skills, critical thinking, initiative, resilience, enthusiasm, stamina, and self-discipline. Post Hoc differences analysis indicated that group discussion. The competence based learning hypothesis had significant impact to skills acquired in secondary schools.

Keywords: Pragmatism, self-discipline, teamwork, problem solving, communication, discovery.

Author Biographies

Faustin Mugiraneza, Mount Kenya University-Rwanda

Mount Kenya University-Rwanda

P.O.Box 9606 Kigali-Rwanda

Hesbon Opiyo Andala, Mount Kenya University-Rwanda.

Dean, School of Education

Mount Kenya University-Rwanda.


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How to Cite

Mugiraneza, F., & Andala, H. O. (2019). Competence Based Learning and Skills Acquisition in Secondary Schools of Rwanda. Journal of Education, 2(3), 86–108. Retrieved from




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