Beneficiaries’ Participation and Performance of Non-Governmental Projects in Rwanda: A Case of Socio-Economic Development Empowerment Project in Optima Organization


  • Mukarurinda, Marie Therese Mount Kenya University
  • Eugenia Nkechi Irechukwu (PhD) Mount Kenya University



This research was based on the effect of Beneficiaries   participation on the performance of non-governmental project in Rwanda, a case of socio-economic development empowerment project in Optima organization. The objectives of the study were: To determine the effect of beneficiaries engagement in planning on the performance of socio-economic development empowerment project in Optima organization, to assess the effect of involvement of beneficiaries in implementation on the performance of socio-economic development empowerment project in Optima organization, to establish the effect of beneficiaries engagement in monitoring on the performance of socio-economic development empowerment project in Optima organization. Researcher used a descriptive and case study research design. 154 was considered as the target population, and a sample size of 111 was used as respondents. The respondents were chosen using a stratified and simple random sampling method, is the way of giving everyone in each stratum an equal chance to take part in the study. Research used both primary and secondary data collection techniques. A questionnaire was utilized to gather primary data, and a documentary review was performed to collect secondary data. The researchers assigned the questionnaires with codes and proceed to enter them into the solutions product and Social Sciences for analysis. Data was then analyzed in the form of frequencies, percentages standard deviations and means, inferential statistical and presented in table. Beneficiaries participation influences performance of socio-economic development empowerment project in Optima organization at Regression analysis of r=73.8%. The study concluded that beneficiary’s participation contributes significantly to the performance of socio-economic development empowerment project in Optima organization. In recommendation, policy makers should make policies considering to the involvement of beneficiaries at all levels of projects development. Moreover, the research recommended project managers at national and local levels, to improve the level beneficiaries participate in project planning phase. Lastly, the research urged non-governmental organizations to ensure that beneficiaries participate actively in projects development at all levels.

Keywords: Beneficiary Engagement, Socio-economic Impact, Performance Evaluation, Monitoring Empowerment Metrics, Project performance.

Author Biographies

Mukarurinda, Marie Therese , Mount Kenya University

Master’s Student

Eugenia Nkechi Irechukwu (PhD), Mount Kenya University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Mukarurinda, M. T. ., & Irechukwu, E. N. . (2023). Beneficiaries’ Participation and Performance of Non-Governmental Projects in Rwanda: A Case of Socio-Economic Development Empowerment Project in Optima Organization. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(3), 44–64.




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