Local Non-Governmental Organizations Services and Socio-Economic Development in Rwanda: A Case of Rwanda National Union of Deaf (RNUD) in Kicukiro District


  • Mr. Deo Gasigwa Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Dr. Eugenia Nkechi Irechukwu Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda




The purpose of this research was to examine the role of local NGOs services in socio-economic development of Rwanda with a case of RNUD in Kicukiro District. The descriptive research design with a mixed approach of qualitative and quantitative data were used to collect data by use of interview guide and questionnaire. The 153 respondents of the study were selected from the target population of 246 beneficiaries and staffs of RNUD using the Krejcie and Morgan table with a simple random and census method of selecting the sample size. The descriptive results of the first objective showed a strong agreement among the respondents (mean=4.284) regarding the positive effect of local NGOs income generating services on socio-economic development. This finding was further supported by the correlation analysis, which revealed a significant and positive relationship between LNGOs income generating services and improved welfare (r=0.930, sig=0.00), better standard of living (r=0.957, sig=0.00), and improved livelihoods (r=0.972, sig=0.00). These results indicate that local NGOs' income generating services play a crucial role in promoting socio-economic development in RNUD, Kicukiro District, Rwanda. The results of the second objective indicated a strong agreement among the participants (mean=4.279) regarding the positive effect of LNGOs training services on socio-economic development. This was further supported by correlation analysis, which revealed a strong and significant relationship between LNGOs training services and improved welfare (r=0.966, sig=0.00), better standard of living (r=0.993, sig=0.00) and improved livelihoods (r=0.993, sig=0.00). These results suggest that capacity building, training farmers, increasing job opportunities, teaching new agricultural techniques, and raising awareness through local NGOs' training services contribute to socio-economic development in RNUD, Rwanda. The third objective of this study was to explore the relationship between local NGOs' poverty reduction services and socio-economic development. Its descriptive results indicated a strong agreement among respondents (mean=4.350) regarding the positive effect of local NGOs poverty reduction services on socio-economic development. The correlation analysis further supported these findings, showing a significant and positive relationship between LNGOs poverty reduction services and improved welfare (r=0.952, sig=0.00), better standard of living (r=0.993, sig=0.00), and improved livelihoods (r=0.993, sig=0.00). The study's findings indicate that local NGOs in RNUD, Kicukiro District, Rwanda, contribute significantly to socio-economic development through livestock provision, poverty reduction programs, and income-generating and training services.

Keywords: Local NGOs Services, Socio-Economic Development, Rwanda National Union of Deaf (RNUD), Kicukiro District, Rwanda

Author Biographies

Mr. Deo Gasigwa, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Dr. Eugenia Nkechi Irechukwu, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Gasigwa, D., & Irechukwu, E. N. (2023). Local Non-Governmental Organizations Services and Socio-Economic Development in Rwanda: A Case of Rwanda National Union of Deaf (RNUD) in Kicukiro District. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(8), 78–93. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t2176




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